Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chapter 6 Summary

Part 1: Lenina is debating on whether or not to go out with Bernard to the Savage Reservation. She figured she'd go just because she can go to the Savage Reservation because not many people get to go the Reservation. Also,we learn that other people do think that Bernard had alcohol in his blood-surrogate. Lenina also tries to get Bernard to other places but he refuses because he doesn't want to go places that has lots of people.
When Lenina and Bernard finally decide to go to the reservation on their way, Bernard makes a stop at the ocean to enjoy it. But Lenina doesn't enjoy it. Bernard is trying to get Lenina open up and enjoy but she just refuses to stay. Eventually, Bernard does what Lenina says and they leave. They get back to Bernard's room where Bernard swallowed four tablets of soma and has sex with Lenina which he doesn't enjoy. Lenina asks Bernard if he had fun. He lies and says he wishes he can feel something more. Lenina thinks to herself that she does like Bernard, but wishes he weren't so odd.

Part 2: Part 2 beginnings with Bernard asking the Director for his signature and initials so Bernard can his approval for the New Mexico Reservation. This leads the Director to tells Bernard about his last trip to the New Mexico Reservation. What happens was he took a girl with he to the reservation and looked at the savages and road on horses and all that. It was close to the Director last day of leave, he lost the girl. Even though he had given up losing to her, he still feels remorse over losing her.He even says "I actually dream about it sometime". (Huxley,97)
The Director realize he actually opens up, so to change the subject he decide to yell at Bernard. Threatening to send Bernard to Iceland. Bernard doesn't take it seriously because he is more confident  because the Director threaten him.

Part 3: Bernard and Lenina arrives at a hotel in Santa Fe. Bernard is planing on heading to the Reservation and Lenina wants to go with him. Bernard is trying to convince her not to go but she still wants to go. When they arrive at the Reservation we're introduced to the Warden, a Alpha-Minus who speaks in a southern accent. While the Warden was talking about the Reservation Bernard remember he left the cologne tap on. Lenina on the other was drugged out so she didn't care what the warden had to say.  The warden explains that there no escape from Reservation because there's a fence surrounding the area and its electrified. He even tries to scare Lenina by saying that "Children still are Born"(Huxley,102) but she's still too drugged out to care.
Bernard tries calling Helmholtz and when he finally gets a hold of Helmholtz, Helmholtz has the worst news for Bernard. The DHC is looking for his replacement. Bernard relieves that the threat was real. Bernard is freaking out and decides to take some soma and forget the pain. Bernard and Lenina get on a plane and fly over New Mexico.Which would be awesome for Bernard but he's to drugged out to care.The chapters end with them heading to the Reservation.

Character Analysis
Lenina; World state girl that follows world state accustoms. She is a Beta Minus who tries to make Bernard stick with his world state accustoms through out the chapter. She does not like him being "different". "He began to talk about a lot of Incomprehensible and dangerous nonsense. Lenina did her best to stop the ears of her mind; but every now and then a phrase would insist on becoming audible. ". . . To try the effect of arresting my impulses," she heard him say. The words seemed to touch a spring in her mind. (Haux,93)

Bernard; Alpha Plus who is different and tries to be an individual. Throughout the chapter, Bernard tries to persuade Lenina to think the way he thinks. Bernard is looking for someone that is like him. "I did't want it to end with our going to bed" he said. "Not at once, not on the first day." This shows that Bernard wants something serious, which is against the world state accustoms.

The Warden; "Was a blonde and brachycephalic Alpha Minus, short, red, moon-faced, and broad shouldered, with a loud blooming voice, very well adopted to the utterance of hypnopaedic wisdom."(Huxley,101) He is kind of grossing out Lenina by talking about natural child birth. He's like a tour guide for the reservation throughout the chapter.

D.H.C; The director is like a narrator because he is telling Bernard a story of his life in this chapter. The D.H.C was similar to Bernard before because he did the same thing 20 years ago. His actions reflect upon Bernard. "It upset me very much at the time." (Huxley,97)

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